Thursday, June 16, 2011

Our morning adventure

Bright and early the next day we set off for Madrid's Museum mile.  We were completely excited at the prospect of seeing the world renowned collection.  

We arrived at the Plaza when all of sudden a group of at least 30 bike riders came riding by...

This fact in itself was unremarkable, till we noticed that they were all stark naked! Yup, naked.

 We, along with everybody else, stood there open mouthed. Of course we had to take some pictures of this curious thing.

Later on, we found out that these bikers were part of the World Naked Bikers Day, likewise held in countries like the UK, Mexico, Chile, to protest the excessive use of gasoline and our treatment of the earth.

 I can tell you that the sight sure woke us up!

Stay tuned for the rest...


  1. Hey - I'm a new follower following through GFC. Love your blog. :)
